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Tropics Thai Cafe
606 S. Weller St.Seattle, WA
(206) 382-9888
This small restaurant in the International District is somewhat inconspicuous; being across the street from the much larger Ocean City and surrounded by other Asian restaurants, it would be easy to overlook. What caught my eye was the photo display of dishes available, and the reasonable prices.
Although I think Tropics is a chain, it does not taste like the typical franchised restaurant-- everything is made with the care of a local mom & pop restaurant.
My usual favorite, Ginger Tofu, was no problem for the kitchen even though it is not on the menu. It turned out to be one of the top quality examples of this dish in the city.
Although I did not get to try the curries they looked wonderful (the tables are placed so close together it was hard not to notice what everyone else was eating).
An unexpected surprise was when I tried the Black Sticky Rice dessert-- it was so good I had the same thing when I returned.
Cuisine: Thai
Cost: $$
Hours: Open Daily
Tea: Jasmine (bags)/ Thai Tea/ Boba
Smoking: No Smoking
Most Recent Visit
Jun. 13, 2003
Number of Visits: 2
Best Items
Thai Ginger Tofu; Sticky Rice Dessert
Special Ratings
Thai Ginger Tofu:
Sticky Rice Dessert:
Health Dept. Report
King County